Orange Shirt Day/National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Resources

Orange Shirt Day & the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Day both fall on September 30. This day honours the lives lost and survivors of residential schools. To gain an understanding of the significance of September 30, please click on the link below for free resources.

September 30 Resources

M.D. of Opportunity No. 17 is hosting an interactive presentation on the history of Indian Residential Schools at the Wabasca Lakeview Sports Center on September 30, 2022. The presentation is approximately three hours and attendees are asked to RSVP.

Details and RSVP

In 2021, the Federal Government of Canada declared that September 30th would be a federal statutory day of commemoration in Canada to mark the tragic history of residential schools and honour the Survivors. Our Indigenous partners have identified the following events as opportunities to engage in education, healing, and reconciliation. 

Alberta & National Virtual Events 2022